Monday, August 25, 2008

Lighting lesson #1

These are mostly for Josh, but I figured it was just as easy to post them here as just email them to him.

This first picture shows you about how far I am from the window. You want to stay out of that area that is super bright, but other then that, move you subject as absolutely close to that line as possible. This will give you the most light and allow you to have more control over your settings. I bumped my ISO up to 400 to attempt to get my f stop to 3.3 or higher. If you do do this, just remember that you DO NOT want to underexpose pics, (don't over either, of course), if you do, when you bring them up in photoshop you'll end up with all that dreaded digital noise.

Diagram 1, subject is 90 degrees from the light source.

Diagram #2 - subject is at 45 degrees (ignore the 90 on the pic, that's wrong) from the light source.

Diagram #3 - Subject is directly facing light source.

So, which is the correct one you ask? None of them are, none of them are wrong either, as the photographer, you get to decide exactly which style you want to use. So play with them all until you decide which you prefer.


Sheri said...

so did you get your lense? I love the pics and can't wait to get some of my own to hang on the wall.

Kimie said...

No, my lens comes Thursday, these were simply set up to give Josh some ideas to work with. Is that comment about the ones for your wall a hint?

Josh said...

thank you kimie that is all very good info and I am impressed you had time to get it all done so quickly.