Thursday, January 7, 2010

Does this still work?

It has been some time since we have done anything here. I had a bit of spare time on my hands this week and tried a night shot. I will definitely be trying again. Just not sure when.

I might be drawn the abstract because the one below is my favorite of the bunch.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Old photo

I happened across all the photos I took while on our honeymoon (prints and negatives) and decided to scan a couple and play. Here is one I liked.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So now that we are really bad at assignments lets just post the pics you take that you really like. So now i want to see some fun and good ones... cause this is getting boring and i will be better to

Monday, December 1, 2008

We are slackers!

So I told myself that I was not going to slack and I was going to do October/November's challenge....Well guess what? IT IS DECEMBER NOW! I only have red food coloring and not sure if this is what we were suppose to do but here is my pictures (I read the instructions awhile ago but only had about 5 minutes to take pictures without help so they didnt get reread).

Friday, October 10, 2008

October Challenge

I found this girls blog and thought this would be a fun idea to try for the October challenge. We'll have to experiment and see what works best for each of us (also, the subject is clear, so you don't have to be creative mom ;). ),39001469,39294428-12,00.htm#12

Bathroom Product Ad

Here is my bathroom ad. I didn't get as many soap bubbles on his head as I wanted, he needs a little more hair.

I also still intend to do the saying one, I just need to come up with a saying.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fall is here!

This is from Sundance when Josh and I went a couple weeks ago. I did get this one I liked. Now someone needs to come up with the saying to go with it for me.