Monday, December 1, 2008

We are slackers!

So I told myself that I was not going to slack and I was going to do October/November's challenge....Well guess what? IT IS DECEMBER NOW! I only have red food coloring and not sure if this is what we were suppose to do but here is my pictures (I read the instructions awhile ago but only had about 5 minutes to take pictures without help so they didnt get reread).


Josh said...

So yeah, we are slackers, and I need to do the same. I am going to reread the instructions and make it happen. Thanks for taking the initiative.

Kimie said...

Very cool with the ice/pebbles? in there. I attempted one day but both boys were awake, so I need to try again when they are tied down, I mean sleeping, at the same time.

Sheri said...

Love it.. I'm impressed and now that I have a camera that shoots really fast I'm going to try it.

Anonymous said...

They would be cooler if I actually spent more then 30 seconds and maybe photoshopped them a bit or something. Still learning so maybe someday!